"They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers” (Acts 2:42).
As a Reformed church, we believe that worship is a heavenly meeting between God and his people, as we lift our hearts to the Lord and draw near to him in response to his call to worship (Heb. 10:22). Christian worship is both ancient and global, and so we strive to worship with joy and reverence, using songs and elements of worship from every time period of the church’s history, uniting us with the church throughout the centuries and around the world.
Morning Worship Service: 10:15 AM
Evening Catechism Service: 5:00 PM
Visit the Bulletins page to view recent bulletins and our order of worship.
We sing from the newly published Trinity Psalter Hymnal, a Reformed and ecumenical collection of Psalms and Hymns, ancient and contemporary, from throughout the history of the church. The TPH was published in 2018 as a joint publication of the United Reformed Churches in North America (URCNA) and the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC).
Text and tunes from the Trinity Psalter Hymnal can be browsed at hymnary.org.
Copies of the Trinity Psalter Hymnal can be purchased at Great Commissions Publications.