The mercy ministry of our congregation is overseen by the deacons and supported through the benevolence fund. We also support several missions and mercy ministry causes through offerings and volunteering, as listed below. Visit for a summary of all URCNA missions outreaches and prayer requests.
Our primary missions cause is monthly support to the Classis Pacific Northwest Church Assistance Fund. This fund supports URCNA church planting and the preaching of the gospel in the Pacific Northwest. Visit for more information.
Our congregation participates in a local chapter of Safe Families, a national organization that provides support to families who are experiencing a crisis, with the goal of keeping families intact.
Love In the Name of Christ is a local organization that helps churches provide real help for people in need, offering material goods, counseling, and mentoring.
Lifeline Pregnancy Care Center is a local organization that provides practical, spiritual, and emotional help for women in need.
Word and Deed is a Reformed organization dedicated to addressing the spiritual and physical needs of people in the developing world in accordance with biblical principles.
Divine Hope is a prison seminary which instruct residents of correctional institutions in Illinois and Indiana.
Greystone provides continuing theological education for seminary students, pastors, missionaries, and interested congregation members.
MERF is a ministry serving the Middle East, North Africa, and Asia with ministries of evangelism, church extension, biblical training, and diaconal aid.
Mid-America Reformed Seminary is located in Dyer, IN, and occasionally provides student interns for our congregation.
Westminster Seminary California is a Reformed seminary located in Escondido, CA, from which we occasionally receive student interns for our congregation.